Hopeful Minds Services



ADHD services offered in Kennesaw, GA

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affects 1 in 10 children and only slightly fewer adults, causing persistent challenges that negatively affect their success and happiness. At Just Breathe Wellness and Healing Center, Sabelle Mbye, PMHNP, and Diana Manjarres, PMHNP, have helped many children, teens, and adults overcome ADHD with comprehensive care supporting their overall mental, emotional, and physical health. Don’t wait to begin treatment that improves your skills and puts you on track for success in every aspect of life. Call the office in Kennesaw, Georgia, today, or use online booking to request an ADHD evaluation.


What is ADHD?

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder caused by changes in a child’s developing brain. Specific brain areas may be smaller, and certain nerve networks communicate differently compared to children who don’t have ADHD.

These brain differences make it hard to regulate emotions and perform executive functions like paying attention, planning, managing time, and organizing and completing tasks.

What symptoms does ADHD cause?

ADHD is usually diagnosed around age 6. However, some people don’t learn they have the condition until their adult years, and many children continue to struggle with ADHD throughout adulthood.

At any age, ADHD causes frequent and severe symptoms that significantly disrupt success at school and work and affect the ability to make friends and thrive in the community.

There are three types of ADHD, each with unique symptoms:

Predominantly inattentive ADHD

People with inattentive ADHD have the following symptoms:

  • Being easily distracted
  • Difficulty focusing on one task
  • Making reckless mistakes
  • Missing important details
  • Struggling to follow directions
  • Frequently losing items

Many with inattentive ADHD find that they tune out or daydream when they should be listening to a teacher, coworker, and others.

Predominantly hyperactive-impulsive ADHD

Hyperactive-impulsive ADHD causes symptoms such as:

  • Staying on the go (constantly active)
  • Finding it hard to relax
  • Talking excessively
  • Frequently interrupting others
  • Acting before thinking about the consequences
  • Fidgeting in circumstances where you should sit still

Adults may experience hyperactivity as an internal feeling like nervousness or irritation.

Combined ADHD

Combined ADHD causes symptoms from both the inattentive and hyperactive-impulsive types.

How is ADHD diagnosed and treated?

Your Just Breathe Wellness and Healing Center provider reviews your medical history and completes a psychiatric evaluation, learning about your current symptoms and challenges, where they occur (at home, school, work, or in the community), and how they affect your life.

Your provider creates a treatment plan targeting your ADHD challenges and the social and lifestyle issues contributing to your challenges.

The team has extensive experience prescribing medications that improve ADHD symptoms by balancing brain chemicals. They also specialize in many types of therapy and teach skills for dealing with ADHD-related issues like organizational techniques, social skills, and anger management.

You or your child can overcome ADHD challenges with skilled care from the Just Breathe Wellness and Healing Center team. Call the office today to schedule an ADHD evaluation, or use online booking to request an appointment.